Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary: Fall List #3

  1. Accolade: any award, honor, or privilege granted as an acknowledgement of merit. 
  2. Acerbity: sourness, a sharp bitterness
  3. attrition: a reduction or decrease in numbers, size, or strength; a wearing down or weakening of resistance, especially as a result of continuous pressure or harassment:.
  4. Bromide: a person who is boring.
  5. chauvinist :a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.
  6. Chronic: habitual, (of an illness) Persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.
  7. expound: to explain in detail or the meaning of
  8. factionalism: The splitting of a group into factions; Conflict between factions
  9. immaculate: free from flaws or mistakes; clean
  10. Imprecation: a spoken cure; cursing.
  11. ineluctable: Unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable
  12. mercurial: changeable; volatile; fickle; flighty; erratic; animated; lively; sprightly; quick-witted.
  13. palliate: to relieve or lessen without curing or removing the cause; mitigate; alleviate.
  14. protocol: the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette.
  15. resplendent: shining brilliantly; gleaming; splendid: attractive/impressive through being coloful
  16. stigmatize: to set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon:
  17. sub rosa: happening or done in secret; confidentially; privately.
  18. vainglory: excessive elation, vanity or pride
  19. vestige: a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence; smallest amount.
  20. volition:the act of willing, choosing, or resolving; using one’s will

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