Sunday, April 21, 2013

Act V notes

Holy guacamoly! There are a lot of scenes in this act! okay....
Scene 1:
Lady Macbeth is sleeping walking. Her gentlewoman, which I think is like a maid that follows her, notices this weird phenomenon and calls a doctor. They witness Lady Macbeth sleeping walking and she talks about guilt and having blood on her hands that she can't remove. So subconsciously she does feel guilty of all that she has incited.

Scene 2:
Here you see some of Macbeth's men talking about their king before battle. They think he is a tyrant who deserves to die and has gone cray cray. They also mention that the initial battle will be fought at Birnam Woods, which from the prophecy will bring the end of Macbeth.

Scene 3:
Servant  tells Macbeth that the army is rapidly approaching and he is scared for his life! Macbeth asks the doctor for advice about curing his country. The doctor basically says there is no cure for the wicked. Only oneself can save themselves but there is virtually no cure for him and his wickedness.

Scene 4:
This scene is basically an update on the battle. England's army, led by Malcolm and Macduff, have moved their forced and they are officially fighting at Birnam Wood.

Scene 5:
Seyton tells Macbeth that his wife is dead. He doesn't really seem that phased by her passing. I get that marriages being arranged were the norm and people didn't marry for love back then, but still it felt like he could been a little more sad about the situation. I also understand that he has a battle to fight so a lot is on his mind but still, he could have shed a freaking tear.
Messenger tells Macbeth that the Birnam Wood appears to be moving towards them.... Death is approaching!

Scene 6:
Again, another battle update. Siward and Siward younger will lead the first battle and then Malcolm and Macduff will follow.

Scene 7:
Macbeth fights and kills Siward younger. Macbeth exits.

Scene 8:
Macbeth almost contemplats suicide. Then Macduff enters and they fights. Macduff wins and chops the head off of Macbeth. Siward hears about his son but is happy that he died a soldiers death. Macduff is pronounced king....
                                                                                The End.

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