Monday, April 15, 2013

ACT II notes

Scene 1
In this act basically houses a soliloquy of Macbeth. He speaks of a danger before him and  contemplates whether it is real, the situation is real, and can he really bring himself to finish the king.

Scene 2
Macbeth is panicking! He has done the deed and killed Duncan but he is nervous about the blood on his hands and properly disposing of the knife and his clothes stained with blood. Lady Macbeth is agitated that her husbands is panicking like a little girl.

Scene 3
So this scene is the aftermath and the cries of despair. Everyone is upset. Macbeth sees Duncan's servants and kills them because he presumes they killed him, either directly or indirectly. Malcolm and Donalbain (Duncan's sons) leave without saying goodbye because they fear they are next to die. All exeunt.

Scene 4
In this scene you see people looking back into the past and "seeing signs" that something wrong was going to happen. Old man and Ross are talking and Ross points out that Duncan's horses are usually calm but on that day they were wild. Obviously they are grieved and looking for signs and symbols where none existed.
So now the people think the servants killed Duncan because his sons paid the servants to kill him. The servants can't defend Malcolm and Donalbain because they are dead. Macbeth is free from blame so far.

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