Sunday, April 21, 2013

Act 3 notes

Scene 1: Banquo just tells the king that he is going out for a ride. While he is alone he rejoices bc the prophecy is coming true and his sons will reign. Macbeth is sad that Banquo won't be present for the feast tonight. When he is alone, he laments the fact that his children won't reign, Banquo's children will. It is as if, he killed the king just to hand over the kingdom to Banquo's children.
Macbeth meets with 2 murderers, and this is their second meeting. Macbeth really wants Banquo and especially the son, dead.The murderers agree to kill him tonight.

Scene 2:
Macbeth basically tells his wife that he has been having nightmares and it will all end tonight because he is sick and tossing and turning.

Scene 3
Banquo gets attacked by the murderers and he is killed. Fleance manages to escape.

Scene 4:
The murderers tell Macbeth that Banquo was killed  but Fleance escaped. He rises and makes a toss and when he tries to sit down, there is the ghost of Banquo in his seat. He gets a little crazy and talks to the ghost even though no one is there. The lords are worried for his health. Lady Macbeth questions his manhood, again. Banquo vanishes and then reappears again, clearly messing with Macbeth's sanity. All the lords leave and Macbeth goes to bed.

Scene 5:
This scene brings us back to the witches. Hecate is their boss and clearly does not like that the witches acted alone without. She says it was pointless giving prophecies to such a baby and fool as Macbeth. So she wants to join in the fun and games to give Macbeth more illusions that will basically doom him.

Scene 6:
Lennox is speaking and he is recanting the events. He doesn't believe that the servants killed Duncan, he believes Macbeth did because he lamented oh sooo much at the death of the king. Macduff missed the ceremoney of the inauguration of the king so the king is a little mad at him. He missed it because he was in England with King Edward forming an alliance to bring more food to the people of Scotland. Macbeth is outraged and sent a messenger to bring him home. Macduff refused and well....conflict!

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