Sunday, April 21, 2013

Act 4 Notes

Scene 1:
This scene brings back the witches. They show Macbeth some apparitions that give him advice. One apparitions warns him of Macduff. Another apparitions tells him to be brave and act without thought and remorse. Also,  no man will vanquish him that arises from a woman. The Macbeth asks if Banquo's sons will reign. His question is answered with the appearance of Banquo's ghost followed by more apparitions that look like kings. Clearly these kings are Banquo's legacy and they will reign for a long time.

Macbeth is upset and a messenger tells him that Macduff is in England. Macbeth is trigger happy so he will murder all of Macduff's family and finally get to Macduff and finish him off. Here you see that Macbeth thinks the only solution to ending problems is to kill people.

Scene 2:
Lady Macduff gets killed by some murderers. Her family is basically slaughtered.

Scene 3:
Ross tells Macduff that his family is killed. He knows its his fault for their deaths. He will fight along with Malcolm (son of Duncan) for revenge, using the King of England's army.

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