Saturday, March 9, 2013

Brave New World-- Chapters 9 & 10

Chapter 9 begins with Lenina taking soma in order to wash away the "stress" of her day. She obviously is disgusted by all the people, their culture, and Linda. Her drugged up state allows Bernard to take a helicopter to Santa Fe' for a few hours in order to get the necessary papers to take John and Linda out of the reservation. Within minutes, he is able to call Mustafa Mond, who listens pensively and allows the proper papers to be sent.
Meanwhile, John visits Bernard's hut and is frightened because the doors and locked and fears they have left. He looks through the window and relaxes once he sees Lenina's suitcase is still there. Like the little kid he is, he breaks the window and goes in. He opens the suitcase and looks through her stuff, smells he perfume like a PERV! He hears and noise and realizes Lenina is fast asleep in the other room. He hastily leaves when he hears the arrival of Bernard in the helicopter.

Chapter 10- Bernard strolls back into the factory because the Director has asked to see him. He publicly denounces Bernard for being a disgrace to Alphas and says he is going to move Bernard to Alaska where he can't bother anyone with his disgrace. The Director asks if Bernard has anything to say for himself. Bernard says yes and brings in Linda.
She yells and for the director calling him "Tomakin!!" Everyone in the room is agasped by the mere sight of the woman. She then yells for John, proclaiming that he is the father of John. The director turns pale!! Dun dun dunnnnnnnn. Someone is in trouble and it's no longer Bernard.

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