Monday, August 27, 2012

Beowulf Questions

I answered these questions with Erika Snell and Abby Khulman. The duration was probably a few hours and we corroborated together using a singular laptop. Meaning one person would type wi]hile the other two looked up answers on each others' iPhones.

1)      The way shield was an infant who rose to become such a powerful person in society and that’s why it is unusual. At his funeral he was placed in a boat and cast off to into the ocean along with his treasures. Hrothgar is Shield’s great great grandson.
2)      Hrothgar made the hall Heorot. Grendel attacked the hall and ripped many men to pieces. The Danes are afraid of this monster. Everyday Grendel returns to kill people who are near the hall. Parties are no longer held there.
3)      Beowulf assembled an army and quickly traveled across the sea to help Hrothgar defeat Grendel.
4)      Geats first meet a nameless watcher in Denmark who was guarding/watching over the shore. This watcher questioned Beowulf. Beowulf explained his intentions of fighting and defeating the evil that was haunting the land. Also, Beowulf wanted to meet King Hrothgar.
5)      Hrothgar’s Herald is the interrogator mentioned in number 4. He goes to Hrothgar and explains the arrivals of the Geats and also that Hrothgar should let them come visit him. Hrothgar agrees and realizes that he knows Beowulf because he knows Beowulf’s father, his name is Ecgtheow.
6)      Beowulf told Hrothgar that he plans to fight Grendel in combat. Hrothgar took in Beowulf’s father and protected him after he killed a man (Hrothgar paid the family of the man that Beowulf’s father killed).
7)      Unfirth accuses Beowulf of being the man who lost a swimming contest in the open sea against a man named Bruca. Beowulf say he has the story wrong and instead he got caught by sea monsters and ended up killing 9 of them before making it to shore. Beowulf shows lack of fear in this story. Beowulf accuses Unfirth of being weak because Unfirth hasn’t fought Grendel.
8)      Queen Wealhtheows says hello and welcomes the warriors. She offers them wine and meat.
9)      Beowulf is different from other heroes because he chooses to take off his armor instead of placing a lot on.
10)  Grendel breaks down the door, rips and drinks the blood of a soldier. Grendel then proceeds to Beowulf.Beowuld uses his arms to fight off Grendel. He rips of Grendel's arm and Grendel escapes.
11)  Beowulf is like Sigemund because he was a Dragon slayer and Beowulf had just killed Grendel (a monster). He is not like Heremod because Heremond was a coward.
12)  Hrothgar claimed Beowulf as his adopted son. Unfirth no longer has anything to say like before.
13)  Finn's story is about the Danes' loss to Finn, the king of the Frisians. Both the Danes and the Frisians compromised to not fight but also to live apart from each other. A woman as bride means te two clans will be united in blood and will have to be nice to each other because you don't want to kill what is your blood.
14)  Queen Wealhtheow s wants one of her own sons to be heir to the throne and keep the lineage going. She asks Hrothgar to not give the throne to Beowulf.
15)  Beowulf is instructed to give the necklace to his uncle, Higelac. At this finalt battle, the Franks will steal it from his corpse. 
16)  The men are tired from battle and beleive Grendel to be dead, that is why they stay in the hall for the night.The men celebrated Grendel's death and drank till their hearts content. This was a mistake for Grendel's mom attacked them.
17)  Grendel’s mother came Hall Herot because she is very angry over her son's death and wants revenge. I think Grendel was just hungry and that's why he attacked people, so he had different intentions than the mom.
18)  Hrothgar is very sad because his retainer is dead. Beowulf is immediately dispatched to kill the mother. 
19)  The mere is a lake/swamp where Grendel’s mother lives and the home of numerous other monsters. She lives in an underwater cave.
20)  Beowulf believes in revenger and tells Hrothgar to either sit around and go out there and do something about it. I think Beowulf blames himself for the soldiers deaths and that's why he goes after the mother.
21)  At the mere, a bunch of monsters show themselves. The soldiers sound a horn and the monsters run away.
22)  Beowulf puts on armor, unlike the Herot Hall battle.
23)  Beowulf dives down beneath to the lair. There are other monsters but Grendel's mom protects him because she wants him all to herself. This underwater place is also like a hall.
24)  Unferth's sword proved ineffective against the beast.
25)  Beowulf chain-mail hinders any of the beasts attacks. He manages to crawl away and escape.
26)  At the surfac, Beowulfe uses his sword to behead Grendel and his mother. The sword he used to kill disntergrated. 
27)  The soldiers are surprised because he came out of a lake filled with monsters.
28)  Beowulf gives the hilt of the sword to Hrothgar.
29)  Hrothgar tells Beowulf  Heremod, because Heremond was a bad king. Heremond was greedy and lustful and therefore could not rule his people properly. He warns Beowulf to stay true to the people and work on acquiring God's forgiveness.
30)  Beowulf returns the broken sword, Hrunting, back to Unferth.
31)  Hrothgar foresees that Beowulf will return someday to rule over the Danes.
32)  Queen Modthryth is evil and Hygd is anything but evil. Quen Modthryth was so evil she imprisoned those who dared look straight into her eyes.
33)  Hrothgar fears that his daughter's marriage to Ingeld will result in a blood-feud between the Danes and the Heathobards. Beowulf never thinks through situations but he thinks through this and knows this could end bad.
34)  Beowulf tells his stories and as with any storyteller, he stretches the truth.
35)  Beowulf gives the treasures from Hrothgar to his uncle. Hygelac gave Beowulf a jeweled sword, 7,000 hides, land, a hall, and a throne of his own.
36)  Part 2 takes place 50 years later. In the meantime, King Hygelac was killed in batlle as with his successor Heardred. A dragon is also awakened.
37)  The dragon woke up because a piece of his treasure was stolen. The man was poor so he stole the goblet. The treasures were because a wealthy man left it there. The dragon claimed the treasures as his own.
38)  The dragon ravaged the land of the Geats.
39)  Beowulf is religious and thought the gods were punishing him for some wrongdoing. He orders a shield because  iron won't disintegrate by the dragon's fire. Hygelac will die.
40)  Hygelac was murdered in battle. Beowulf escaped by swimming away with his treasures. Hygd offered Beowulf the throne, and Beowulf became king of the Geats.
41)  An exiled group of Swedes murdered Heardred. Beowulf avenged Heardred’s death by killing King Onela.
42)  Eleven warriors accompanied Beowulf.
43)  Herebeald was killed in a hunting accident by his own brother, Haethcyn. King Hrethel couldn’t punish him because it was his own son. King Hrethel left with his grief. The Swedes and the Geats continued their feuding. Haethcyn was also killed in battle against the Swedes. Beowulf avenged Hygelac’s death by killing a great Frankish warrior, Dayraven.
44)  Beowulf wants to face the dragon alone so he commands his soldiers to wait outside the lair. He wants to defeat the dragon on his own.
45)  Beowulf’s sword is inadequate against the dragon so he retreats. The dragon continues to hit Beowulf with fire! His soldiers run away but Wiglaf stays. Wiglaf tries to convince the soldiers to fight. The men still run away so Wiglaf and Beowulf both fight the dragon.
46)  Beowulf is bitten by the dragon. Beowulf defeats the dragon by stabbing it in the side with his knife.
47)  Beowulf wants to see the treasure before he dies that way he dies seeing the gold.  He wants to die like a king burned in a funeral pyre.
48)  The warriors come back to watch Wiglaf attempt to revive Beowulf. Wiglaf scorns them for leaving Beowulf when he needed them most. In the future Wiglaf sees that the Geats will be attacked by their neighbors and that their nation will be destroyed.
49)  The messenger announces to the people that Beowulf has died. Ongentheow  taunt the Gaets all night. Hygelac came to the Gaets rescue with reinforcements. Ongentheow could not handle the reinforcements and retreated. He was corned by Hygelac but still retaliated and in the process Ongentheow was killed. The messenger warns that the treasure is cursed and those that try to steal it will be cursed. Beowulf won’t be cursed because he never “looked at it with greedy eyes”. The messenger final image is that of the dragon.
50)  Wiglaf gives an elegy of Beowulf. He chastised Beowulf for going in without reinforcements. 
51)  The men pushed the dragon off the cliff and into the ocean. 
52)  The burial took ten days, and the people cried throughout those days.
53)  In the elegy, Beowulf was described as "kind ane beloved", but a war hero is obviously not kind because he would have had to kill many people. He was ferocios in killing Grendel, the mother, and the dragon. 

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