Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fall Semester Reflection

  1. I don't usually view other people's work because I don't need help on my work. I would view other's work if I have to comment. I'm usually so busy with my other AP homework that I don't usually go on  other member's blogs. The good thing about the work being online is that multiple people can view a single work at any given time. If you had a piece of paper, that severely limits who can see the work and for how long one can view a work. 
  2. A blog that is public can be viewed by anyone at any given time. A person in Canada can view my blog for a different perspective and find that my blog is remarkable or that it created more questions to which he or she can answer and comment. If the course blog disappeared, there would be a whole lot of paperwork that Preston would have to deal with. Also, if I was absent, I wouldn't be able to get the journal or the hw assignment till the following day. Big problem!
  3. Well I don't think posting to a blog has really made me show my responses differently. My personal feelings go into my journals, which are not viral so my postings to the blog are completely normal. 
  4. I think most of my learning for this class happens at home. Students are so limited by fifty minutes that you can't possibly learn all that you need to learn from an AP class in fifty minutes each day. At home I do much more work that helps embed the information more permanently. 
  5. That's the thing, you can't possibly describe an experience to its full extent. In order for friends and family members to truly know what it means to be a pioneer in blogs, they have to experience themselves. Its kind of teaching a child a lesson. They won't know not to place their finger in a flame until they do it and learn that it hurts to do it.
  6. I just tell tell them to create a blog so that they can understand on their own.
  7. They look at me weird because they obviously don't want to do work which means they might not create a blog -.-

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