Monday, November 5, 2012

Vocab list 11

  1. Affinity - (noun) A spontaneous or natural liking or sympathy for someone or something
  2. bilious - (adj) Affected by or associated with nausea or vomiting; sickly
  3. cognate - (adj) Related to or descended from a common ancestor; (noun) a blood relative
  4. corollary - (noun) A proposition that follows from one already proved
  5. cul-de-sac – (noun) A street or passage closed at one end; A route or course leading nowhere
  6. derring-do – (noun) Action displaying heroic courage
  7. divination – (noun) The practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means
  8. elixir – (noun) A magical or medicinal potion
  9. folderol – (noun) Trivial or nonsensical fuss; showy but useless item
  10. gamut – (noun) an entire range or series
  11. hoi polloi – (noun) the masses; the common people
  12. ineffable – (adj) Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
  13. lucubration – (noun) meditation; study; A piece of writing, typically a pedantic or overelaborate one
  14. mnemonic – (noun) A device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something; (adj) Aiding or designed to aid the memory
  15. obloquy – (noun) Strong public criticism or verbal abuse
  16. parameter – (noun) A limit or boundary that defines the scope of a particular process or activity
  17. pundit – (noun) An expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public
  18. risible – (adj) Having the faculty or power of laughing; inclined to laugh
  19. symptomatic – (adj) Serving as a symptom or sign, esp. of something undesirable
  20. volte-face - An abrupt and complete reversal of attitude, opinion, or position 

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